Featured Work
Partnerships, trust, and effective collaboration have been fundamental to our success as an organization. Our vision is to be a model for watershed conservation that puts science into practice, celebrates a diverse culture of stewardship, and implements locally-based solutions that support our economy, community, and values.
We are proud to work with diverse community and agency partners to find win-win solutions that maintain the viability and health of our working lands, open spaces, and stream corridors, while improving surface and ground resources, reducing sediment input, and ensuring well-functioning fish and wildlife habitat. Water plays an essential role in the landscapes, lives, and livelihood of our community, and by working together we can protect this precious resource.
Chris Boyer/KestrelAerial.com
Teton Creek Corridor Project
Together, with 3 local organizations, we are creating a 2.5 mile public pathway along the Teton Creek corridor while improving stream function, fish and wildlife habitat, protecting Teton Valley’s agricultural heritage, and providing an asset that benefits the entire community.
Farms and Fish
In partnership with local agricultural organizations and producers, we are developing locally based solutions for maintaining the viability and health of our working lands, open spaces, and stream corridors, while improving surface and ground water resources for the benefit of farms and fish.
Bates Public Access
Just four miles west of downtown Driggs is the most popular access point to the Teton River; Bates Bridge. A group of non-profit partners collectively purchased land that will become an improved boat ramp, increased parking, a restroom facility, informational kiosks, and spaces for day-use/ picnicking.
Well Water Testing
FTR’s well water testing program offers convenient and affordable well water testing to Teton Valley, ID residents at a cost-shared price. Each summer well water test kits are distributed on first come, first served basis and will be sent to a regional lab for analysis. Test results will be shared with FTR and the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.
Aquifer Recharge
The Teton Valley Aquifer Recharge Program works with willing agricultural and livestock producers to manage water on farms and ranches early in the irrigation season, to sustain water supplies for humans, fish, and wildlife into the late summer months.