We need your help! Do you have a well that you would like to have tested for contaminants –FREE OF CHARGE?
This summer, FTR has an opportunity to partner with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s (ISDA) Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program. ISDA is looking for 8-10 property owners, with individual drinking water wells distributed throughout Teton Valley, who wish to voluntarily participate in this program. ISDA’s goal is to develop a long-term understanding of the water quality in aquifers throughout Idaho, and specifically to determine whether background levels of pesticides exist in Teton Valley’s aquifer. Landowners with individual residential or agricultural wells are eligible to participate. Property owners whose water is provided by a city or other shared well are not.
This program is offered completely free of charge to the property owner. ISDA staff will select participants based on their location in Teton Valley, with the 2019 goal of choosing wells that are evenly distributed throughout the valley.
If you volunteer to become a participant, and your well is chosen, an ISDA staff member will arrive to sample your well in August of 2019. You will receive a letter in advance of the sampling date with more specific information. You do not need to be present at the time of sampling, and ISDA staff will not need to enter your home. They will need access to an external hydrant or a faucet on the exterior of your home that is not connected through a water softener. They will need to run water out of your hydrant/faucet, onto the ground, for about 20 ‐ 45 minutes to purge your well of water before collecting samples.
The water samples collected from your well will be sent to the Idaho Food Quality Assurance Laboratory, in Twin Falls, for pesticide analysis, and to the Idaho Bureau of Laboratories, in Boise, for nitrate analysis (dependent on funding). After ISDA receives the results from the laboratories, you will receive a letter and a brief summary of the results for your well.
Based on results obtained by this program in nearby areas of Idaho they don’t expect to find pesticides in Teton Valley’s aquifer. However, if ISDA does identify concerning levels of pesticides in your well, they may request to re‐test your well, possibly for several years. Continued participation is also voluntary.
This program is completely free to the landowner. Testing of this kind, if contracted through a private laboratory, is valued at approximately $300-$500. The only costs associated with participation are a very small increase in your electricity bill, associated with running your well pump for 20-45 minutes to purge your well and collect samples. Results of the testing will be shared with you, ISDA, and Friends of the Teton River. Results shared beyond these organizations, will have personally identifiable information removed to the greatest extent possible, in order to protect privacy.
To sign up to participate in this program, please fill out this questionnaire.
If you have any questions about this program, or wish to sign up without using the attached questionnaire, please do not hesitate to contact FTR or ISDA staff.